C.elegans Fosmid clones : Overview

C. elegans Fosmid library

Caenorhabditis elegans is a widely used model organism worldwide for genome analysis and neurological studies. C. elegans genome clones have inserts of 35-40 kbp and can be used as a useful research resource. The analysis of these clones has facilitated genome sequencing projects and has been used by research institutions to identify mutations. The introduction of genomic clones that complement mutations has been used as a method to identify mutations, and this approach has become one of the most important methods in mutation analysis. However, many genomic clones created in the past have been incorporated into Cosmid and their quality has been reported to have deteriorated in the about 30 years since their creation. In response to these reports, Dr. Don Moerman and his colleagues have created a Fosmid library instead of Cosmid, using the Fosmid vector pCC1FOS (Epicentre), which keeps the plasmid in the host at a low copy number. This allowed the plasmid with approximately 40 kbp of long DNA to replicate and be maintained in the host.

For more details, please refer to the data sheet (Excel file) linked below.

C. elegans Fosmid library data sheet (xlsx. 3.2MB)


DNAFORM is offering C.elegans fosmid library clones as a set of 41 384-well plates or as individual clones for research purpose only.

For more information, please contact us.

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A C. elegans Fosmid Library, Jaryn Perkins, Kim Wong, Rene Warren, Jacquie Schein, Jeff Stott, Rob Holt, Steve Jones, Marco Marra, and Don Moerman,

This abstract was presented at the Fifteenth International C. elegans meeting.
